Kamalesh Kumar


Hi! I am Kamalesh, a final year undergrad at IIT Madras. I enjoy working on questions related to Machine Learning and specifically in Reinforcement Learning. I am currently working on problems in adversarial and robust RL along with Prof Muni Pydi in the Machine Intelligence and Learning Systems group at Paris Dauphine University. I was fortunate to spend three wondeful months in Paris supported by the Charpak Scholarship. I am also interested in Computer Vision and have been associated with the Advanced geometric computing lab under Prof Ramanthan at IIT Madras.

I am actively looking for research internships for the summer of 2024. If you’d like to talk to me about anything, get in touch!


Dec 2, 2023 This website was born!
Jun 24, 2023 My work “SketchCADGAN” got published!



  1. CleanupGAN: A generative network to enhance and correct query sketches for improving 3D CAD model retrieval system
    Kamalesh Kumar Kosalaraman, P. P. Kendre, D. Manilal, and 1 more author
    Submitted to ACM SIGGRAPH, 2024


  1. SketchCADGAN: A generative approach for completing partially drawn query sketches of engineering shapes to enhance retrieval system performance
    Prasad Pralhad Kendre, Kamalesh Kumar Kosalaraman, Sanjay Santhosh Kumar Jayasree, and 3 more authors
    Published in Elsevier, Computer & Graphics, 2023